Monday, June 28, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning. . .

Ever since I began my Master's Degree I have kept hearing the term Web 2.0 as if it were some magical mystical realm that only the very elite had knowledge. It would get dropped out of the air in class discussions, or in web postings in online classes to prove an intellectual argument, but no one ever explained what it meant. This was one of the prime motivations that I had to take this class. I wanted to be let into the club, to see what all of this was about. Now that I have read the textbook (yes I admit I bought the text book six weeks ago and read it) I understand that Web 2.0 is not a thing but rather a means of communicating in todays world. It covers all areas of communications and allows everyone in on the conversation. It is not exclusive, but rather it is inclusive. I realize now that I have been using Web 2.0 tools for quite a long time (Facebook, Wiki, etc.)

Where once I thought I was a follower, I now realize that in some respects I was on the cusp of technology in many areas. My goals for this class: Learn as many tools, and gain as much understanding as possible so that I can use it in my career. Of course with our ever changing technology tools change constantly. What is fashionable today will be scoffed at by my teenage kids tomorrow. But that is one of the reasons I find our field so exciting and challenging. It is not just using the tools, but understanding why the tools are being used. That is what I hope to get out of this class: a process for understanding why people use certain tools.