Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wikileaks and Web 2.0

Wikileaks releases massive set of Afghan war files

Well Web 2.0 has done it again. A huge set of files (75,000) from Junior officers to senior officers outlining exactly how the war is going in Afghanistan. The military is outraged, the white house is outraged, and I am sure the guy in the pentagon responsible for keeping this stuff under wraps is now peeling potatoes in Alaska.

What I find funny is that immediately the government says there is no smoking gun showing that Pakistan is aiding the insurgents in Afghanistran. Excuse me??? 75,000 documents and they already know there is no smoking gun? They don't even read the 400 page bills that go through congress, how do they know what is in 75,000 documents.

It is a paradox. Web 2.0 gives us so much information, but at the same time it gives us SO MUCH information who can digest it all?

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